The Ice at the Summit of Mt. Batulao

This is my second day hike at Mt. Batulao. The good things is the adventure is always brand new.

It feels like easier for me to route on new trail to old trail. If you want to avoid the sun at noon time then you can go to the old trail first where you can pass by more trees for shelters. The new trail is nice to for sunrise or sunset to enjoy beautiful view on the way to the summit.

The Team Members at Mt. Batulao Including Me

  1. Leah Tabios
  2. Edward Tabios
  3. Louis Carl
  4. Yuki Alejandro
  5. Ruth Jose
  6. Michael
  7. Ditche Gracia / Grace Baque

The Ice at the summit of Mt. Batulao

There is an ice not because of the cold weather but there is a “halo-halo” store at the top. We had our lunch break at the summit and I’m glad that we can also use the spoon of the halo-halo to eat our foods.

Thank you Leah for having our chicken adobo lunch and side dish such as grapes and melon. I serve my rice, ham and egg for all food are shared together.

Learning to Let Go

I lost my camera lens cap while hanging on the old trail steepest cliff. I had the opportunity to look for it but I need to let go because we need to move on and I think it is time for me to replace it with a nicer one.

The Camp Site

Over night on the campsite is one of the best parts of the hiking. Our journey is just a day hike but I feel like I want to stay much longer. It is because I want to enjoy more of the nature and having to know more of your new friends.

Rain Rain Go Away

We decided to hike even though the rain will shower anytime. I just prepare two umbrella and plastic bag to keep up from rain. We thank you Lord for the nice weather going up to the summit and for holding the rain until we reach on the safer trail.

Side "FOOD" Trip at Mohogany

After the long period of journey at the mountain, we indulge ourselves with nice bulalo soup (375Pesos), breaded tawilis and free brew coffee at Mohogany Market.


You can also visit Leah's Photo Album on Facebook for more beautiful photoshoots.

You can also read my first day hike at Mt. Batulao. I enjoy this activity very much and I hope that you get some idea in my experience with this climb.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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