Typhoons come to a village and start bringing more rain. There is a faithful and prayerful Juan who is brave enough to resist the gradual flood level. The man on the village said to Juan when the flood level is on the knee “Hurry up Juan, I’m the barangay captain let’s move to the safe place.” But Juan resists and said, “I believe in God, He will keep me safe.” And the barangay captain went off.
When the flood is on his chest a boat came and the man said “Hurry up Juan, I’m the city mayor let’s move to the safe place.” But Juan resists and said, “I believe in God, He will keep me safe.” And the barangay captain went off.
When the flood is a little over on his roof a helicopter came and the man said “Hurry up Juan, I’m the governor let’s move to the safe place.” But Juan resists and said, “I believe in God, He will keep me safe.” And the barangay captain went off.
The Faithful Juan
And finally Juan died when he drowns on the flood and the good news is that Juan goes to heaven. Juan asks the angels. “Why I am here? Why did I die when my faith is good?” The angels reply to Juan “we did not let you die, the truth is we send you the barangay captain to get you safe but you resist, the second time we let the mayor convinced you but you still resist, we know that your faith is good that we even send a helicopter rescue but you remain on what you believe, it’s too good that you make it heaven.”
We often neglected the things were looking for especially we doubt on the things we see as it is. The answers are already there but we always prefer to choose what we believe and it’s sometimes too late to get back on the things passed by.