Express Your Gratitude Toward Others

I express my gratitude by respect. I acknowledge people that give importance to us. Sometimes we don’t know how to express. Gratitude is the echo of love returning to where it’s from. When you do a little thing to someone, someday it will goes back more than you expected.
Remember when we are in nursery, pre-school or elementary school. We receive something special like toy, or caring from our friends and family. Once we grew up we end up doing the same thing. We can also call it gratitude. We inherit it. We experience love since then and we are continuing to pass it through.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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