Eddy Chai Introduce Diamond Lifestyle Corporation to be at home and more likely he want to call it our own. DLC gives 60% profits to the distributor which is set to the marketing plan that is very achievable.
Eddy Chai The Founder Of DLC
When Eddy Talks?
The audiences want to hear every single word that he says because it is very meaningful and full of details. He speak with convictions knowing everything he says because of his 28 year of experience in Multilevel Marketing. His consultation fee is very expensive that even a percent of gross profit from the company are offered to him just to say yes for recommendation.
Eddy Chai is Fun
Doing business with Eddy is very fun. He wants the DLC members enjoy doing the business. When you seat to hear the business, every words he says give motivation, courage, and paradigm shift in life what is wrong and good to become. He teach you by telling a story where you get a moral lesson, he also tell a jokes to keep the audience alive. And for sure he will catch your attention and have fun.
When Eddy Share
Eddy want to share his blessing, he share what he have in heart and mind. He write a marketing plan by heart and analyze with his mind. He knows that calculator, number and figures never lies. He make sure that DLC is place where strike with a home run.
More About Eddy Chai?
You can visit his website www.eddychai.com and found more info about him. He aim higher, Live life, and Fear God. His website tell you a that he is only human like us that we can also achieved what he did. I is just a matter of choice that he start to believe that he can. I love Eddy Poem like “And God Said No To A Multi Level Marketing” and his favorite story that can inspire you. All of this can be found on his website.
It is the first meeting I have with Eddy, I heard him sing a birthday song not knowing that there is someone inside the room celebrating his birthday. He sing for giving the example of royalty income where people make money even if your already done with it. The meeting or presentation last for 8:00pm – 10:00pm and I got a calling card from Eddy before the presentation started.
He aim higher, Live life, and Fear God.